Sunday, January 15, 2012

Frequent hand Cold, What Is It?

Figurative "cold hands, warm heart" is very sweet, but not suitable when you want to know what a cold hand to our health.

With colder temperatures, it is only natural when our hands go cold. Therefore, reducing blood circulation to the extreme is the way the body to maintain warmth. When the sunny weather to keep your hands cool, that means your circulatory system is working to regulate overall body warmth.

However, some symptoms to watch out because it could indicate a serious health problem. They include the hands and feet are constantly cold, skin discoloration, numbness, itching, pain or blisters, and thickened skin.

Diseases that could be associated with a cold hand
According to the Mayo Clinic, the most common diseases that can be associated with a cold hand is anemia, Bierger disease, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease (PVD), Raynaud's disease, and scleroderma. To find out the exact problem, you should ask your doctor.

The book "Body Signs" by Joan Liebmann-Smith and Jacqueline Nardi Egan shows, hands and feet continually cold can also mean a reaction to some medicines. Try to consult a physician.

A cold hand can also be caused by frostbite. When the body is facing temperatures below zero degrees Celsius for a long time, a layer of skin can freeze. Symptoms usually appear in the legs, hands, nose, and ears. You may experience numbness or itch, and your skin will appear pale and white and difficult to handle.

In some cases, the skin may be blistered and blackened because the cells are dead. If you experience frostbite, go to the doctor or emergency room immediately.

Keep your hands warm
The best way to keep your hands to keep warm outdoors is to use waterproof gloves. If you must use regular gloves, use two layers, but make sure to use a little loose so as not to impede blood circulation. Inside, fingerless gloves you can use to work and keeps your hands warm.

Frequent hand Cold, What Is It?

Figurative "cold hands, warm heart" is very sweet, but not suitable when you want to know what a cold hand to our health.

With colder temperatures, it is only natural when our hands go cold. Therefore, reducing blood circulation to the extreme is the way the body to maintain warmth. When the sunny weather to keep your hands cool, that means your circulatory system is working to regulate overall body warmth.

However, some symptoms to watch out because it could indicate a serious health problem. They include the hands and feet are constantly cold, skin discoloration, numbness, itching, pain or blisters, and thickened skin.

Diseases that could be associated with a cold hand
According to the Mayo Clinic, the most common diseases that can be associated with a cold hand is anemia, Bierger disease, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease (PVD), Raynaud's disease, and scleroderma. To find out the exact problem, you should ask your doctor.

The book "Body Signs" by Joan Liebmann-Smith and Jacqueline Nardi Egan shows, hands and feet continually cold can also mean a reaction to some medicines. Try to consult a physician.

A cold hand can also be caused by frostbite. When the body is facing temperatures below zero degrees Celsius for a long time, a layer of skin can freeze. Symptoms usually appear in the legs, hands, nose, and ears. You may experience numbness or itch, and your skin will appear pale and white and difficult to handle.

In some cases, the skin may be blistered and blackened because the cells are dead. If you experience frostbite, go to the doctor or emergency room immediately.

Keep your hands warm
The best way to keep your hands to keep warm outdoors is to use waterproof gloves. If you must use regular gloves, use two layers, but make sure to use a little loose so as not to impede blood circulation. Inside, fingerless gloves you can use to work and keeps your hands warm.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

beware .... offal fat cock female dementia

Adiponectin hormone derived from fat offal act triggers the development of all-cause dementia and Alzheimer's disease in women, according to research published through the network by the Archives of Neurology on Monday (2 / 1).

Thomas van Himbergen researchers and partners from the Human Nutrition Research Center at Tufts University regarding age found the level of glucose, insulin and glycated albumin and protein bereaktif C and phospholipase A2-containing lipoproteins and plasma adiponectin in patients during the biennial inspection of the 19 th since 1985 until 1988 in the Framingham Heart Study.

A total of 840 patients consisted of 541 women with an average age of 76 years was observed for 13 years. In addition researchers monitored the progression of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and all causes of dementia in patients. During the inspection period, 159 patients experienced 125 cases of dementia including Alzheimer's disease.

After adjustment factors other dementias such as age, body weight change and the lack of plasma docosahexaenoic acid, which affects only adiponectin increased all-cause dementia and Alzheimer's disease in women.

"It is well known that insulin is a sign of ketidakfungsiannya the brain of patients with Alzheimer's and because adiponectin increases insulin sensitivity then a patient should obtain specific actions to prevent cognitive decline," researchers said in a report.

Researchers, based on data that found, concluded that adiponectin levels increase the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease in women.

According to the Alzheimer's Association website,, Alzheimer's is a type of dementia-related problems with memory, behavior, and how berpikir.Gejala usually develops slowly and gets worse to affect their daily work.

A number of people affected by Alzheimer's mark consists of or quickly forgotten memory loss, difficulty thinking, difficulty doing daily work, confusion of space and time, problems in vision and visibility as well as trouble in speaking or writing.

In addition, one put a good, slow decision making, as well as away from the socialite and changes in attitudes and emotions are also a symptom of Alzheimer's. The site was suggested to the people who have these symptoms to see a psychiatrist or psychiatric doctor before the disease worsens.

beware .... offal fat cock female dementia

Adiponectin hormone derived from fat offal act triggers the development of all-cause dementia and Alzheimer's disease in women, according to research published through the network by the Archives of Neurology on Monday (2 / 1).

Thomas van Himbergen researchers and partners from the Human Nutrition Research Center at Tufts University regarding age found the level of glucose, insulin and glycated albumin and protein bereaktif C and phospholipase A2-containing lipoproteins and plasma adiponectin in patients during the biennial inspection of the 19 th since 1985 until 1988 in the Framingham Heart Study.

A total of 840 patients consisted of 541 women with an average age of 76 years was observed for 13 years. In addition researchers monitored the progression of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and all causes of dementia in patients. During the inspection period, 159 patients experienced 125 cases of dementia including Alzheimer's disease.

After adjustment factors other dementias such as age, body weight change and the lack of plasma docosahexaenoic acid, which affects only adiponectin increased all-cause dementia and Alzheimer's disease in women.

"It is well known that insulin is a sign of ketidakfungsiannya the brain of patients with Alzheimer's and because adiponectin increases insulin sensitivity then a patient should obtain specific actions to prevent cognitive decline," researchers said in a report.

Researchers, based on data that found, concluded that adiponectin levels increase the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease in women.

According to the Alzheimer's Association website,, Alzheimer's is a type of dementia-related problems with memory, behavior, and how berpikir.Gejala usually develops slowly and gets worse to affect their daily work.

A number of people affected by Alzheimer's mark consists of or quickly forgotten memory loss, difficulty thinking, difficulty doing daily work, confusion of space and time, problems in vision and visibility as well as trouble in speaking or writing.

In addition, one put a good, slow decision making, as well as away from the socialite and changes in attitudes and emotions are also a symptom of Alzheimer's. The site was suggested to the people who have these symptoms to see a psychiatrist or psychiatric doctor before the disease worsens.