Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Oral cancer is only beginning whitish spots

Cancer of the oral cavity premalignant disorder that begins with an oral mucosal abnormalities in the earliest before they turn into malignant tumors. There are two disorders that pre-maligma leuoplakia and erythroplakia.

"Leukoplakia is a whitish spots are limited mokosa firmly on the mouth. It is common in heavy smokers aged over 50 years," said Muhammad Ruslin MKes SpBM drg is also Lecturer Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hasanudin.

Leukoplakia most often found on the buccal and floor of the mouth. While erythroplakia are usually more serious cause of malignancy. Nearly 51 percent of non-specific red lesions diagnosed as malignant at the time of initial biopsy. Location is usually found on the floor of the mouth, soft palate and the trigonum retomolar.

After the pre-malignant disorders, the next stage is carcinoma in-situ and invasive carcinoma. In stage carcinoma is no longer confined within epiter will but penetrate the basement membrane and invasion into the tissue beneath it held. At this stage can lead to complaints that are often ignored both by the patient or health worker.

When karsiona have reached full size it is not hard to make a diagnosis. Furthermore karsiona spread to regional lymph nodes and distant metastases eventually give in organs.

Cancer of the oral cavity can cause death, usually oral cavity cancer is attacked on the tongue, lips, and floor of the mouth.

Ruslin colleagues drg SpBM Erni Marlina said, at an advanced stage is usually the treatment is not simple, the combination therapy required surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy.
"However, the results achieved today is not satisfactory with the patient survival rate for 5 years only 50 percent of it," he said.

Another case when oral cancer is discovered at an early stage, then the cancer can be cured only by surgery or radiotherapy alone, with a high cure rate of patient survival for 5 years by 90 percent.

Therefore, in the case of oral cancer treatment is most important is the discovery / detection of these cancers early.

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