Sunday, December 25, 2011

3 magic potion recipe to Eliminate Cellulite

No need to bother anymore to find cream that is effective to cope with cellulite on the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks. Turns out you can easily mix your own 'medicine'. Its main ingredient: coffee grounds!

 No matter how old you are, what your skin type, and how your weight, cellulite is always so great enemy.
He usually appears in the thigh, abdomen, and buttocks, which makes our skin look like a rough striped orange peel. For years, women around the world looking for various creams and medications to eliminate cellulite. In fact, only armed with coffee powder, we can mix your own concoctions, you know.

One of the most powerful method to eliminate cellulite is massage. With massage, blood circulation so more smoothly, and fat cells can more easily destroyed.

Meanwhile, research shows that anti-cellulite cream is considered the most potent is that contain caffeine. It turned out that caffeine can dilate blood vessels, making circulation and blood flow more smoothly. Caffeine also can reduce the levels of accumulation of water, which is one cause of terdorongnya fat to the skin and into cellulite.

These two facts to be sufficient evidence to convince us that one of the most powerful solution is to face cellulite massage with herbs that contain caffeine. Here is the prescription.

Recipes 1
1 cup of fresh coffee grounds
1 egg white
1 tablespoon olive oil
Combine above ingredients and use to massage your body parts are berselulit. Massage with circular movements, then rinse. This herb can also be applied to cellulite, then 'wrap' section with plastic and let sit for 5-10 minutes. For optimal results, perform this ritual three times a week.

Recipe 2
1 / 4 cup of warm coffee grounds
1 tablespoon olive oil
Combine above ingredients, then smeared onto a loofah or wash cloth towel before massaging the berselulit. Apply 2 times a week.

Recipe 3
Combine coffee grounds with liquid soap or body lotion.
Apply to the body, let stand a few minutes, then rinse. Do it every day.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The pores of your face Landscape? Here's How to Overcome It

Jargon old "do not do anything excessive" is always valid. In its application to skin care, use of cosmetics that too often can lead to facial pores become increasingly wide. According to Dr. Neal Schultz of, dilated pores due to the buildup of chemicals in the skin so that the fishing part of it to find a gap to breathe. As a result of oil was drawn out from the inside to protect the skin surface. When viewed with the naked eye, visible pores were open.
Invisible dirt that you bring from outside the house without your guess also provoke dilated pores faster.
Quoted from Beauty Advices, dilated pores causes other hormonal changes, irregular diet, and the most significant: smoking habits.
Some of the tips below will help shrink the state back in the face pores so your skin smooth and healthy as in the past.

Always wash face with cleanser appropriate
This is the most basic way to make skin look brighter. Such as hair care, facial cleanser also has the type of each. Find the right with your skin type. Make sure the cleanser effectively cleanses dead cells that accumulate in the skin.

Oil-free cleanser is ideal for all skin types.
Use two to three times a day regularly. Quoted from the Daily Glow, use appropriate facial cleanser is the morning and at night before bed to combat excess oil, pollutants attached to the skin, as well as eliminating dead skin cells. Use warm water to help open the pores while walking up to the washing process until the skin behind.

Better diet
How many instant foods and processed chemicals that you eat every day? If many, subtract from now. These foods contain trans fats which can lead to premature aging from the inside. One of the most obvious symptoms are dilated pores. iVillage recommend natural fats such as olive oil ideal as a food ingredient.

Consume a lot of vegetables, fruits, fish, fisheries and helped to freshen your skin from within. Remember, foods containing vitamin A may help turnover of dead skin cells effectively.

Facial moisturizer can reduce excess oil
Pores are dilated also characterized by the presence of excess oil. Actually it is a natural perlindungani on your skin, but the presence of excessive certainly very disturbing your appearance. Use a light moisturizer that is able to suppress the production of oil is within safe limits. Very oily skin are advised to use a moisturizer without oil.

Tighten skin with facial gymnastics
Carole Maggio, author of Facercise, suggesting that regular facial gymnastics are also fishing in the skin to be active and healthy. This helps toning skin naturally and keep the blood flowing properly, especially in the face.
Drinking water every day

Water is the most natural medicine with a thousand and one benefit. For long-term care, do not let you have dehydrated skin. The basic function of water to your skin is to provide a good supply of fluids and helps maintain skin's natural balance.
It is made of mineral water regarded as the best.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Oral cancer is only beginning whitish spots

Cancer of the oral cavity premalignant disorder that begins with an oral mucosal abnormalities in the earliest before they turn into malignant tumors. There are two disorders that pre-maligma leuoplakia and erythroplakia.

"Leukoplakia is a whitish spots are limited mokosa firmly on the mouth. It is common in heavy smokers aged over 50 years," said Muhammad Ruslin MKes SpBM drg is also Lecturer Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hasanudin.

Leukoplakia most often found on the buccal and floor of the mouth. While erythroplakia are usually more serious cause of malignancy. Nearly 51 percent of non-specific red lesions diagnosed as malignant at the time of initial biopsy. Location is usually found on the floor of the mouth, soft palate and the trigonum retomolar.

After the pre-malignant disorders, the next stage is carcinoma in-situ and invasive carcinoma. In stage carcinoma is no longer confined within epiter will but penetrate the basement membrane and invasion into the tissue beneath it held. At this stage can lead to complaints that are often ignored both by the patient or health worker.

When karsiona have reached full size it is not hard to make a diagnosis. Furthermore karsiona spread to regional lymph nodes and distant metastases eventually give in organs.

Cancer of the oral cavity can cause death, usually oral cavity cancer is attacked on the tongue, lips, and floor of the mouth.

Ruslin colleagues drg SpBM Erni Marlina said, at an advanced stage is usually the treatment is not simple, the combination therapy required surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy.
"However, the results achieved today is not satisfactory with the patient survival rate for 5 years only 50 percent of it," he said.

Another case when oral cancer is discovered at an early stage, then the cancer can be cured only by surgery or radiotherapy alone, with a high cure rate of patient survival for 5 years by 90 percent.

Therefore, in the case of oral cancer treatment is most important is the discovery / detection of these cancers early.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Bread may Increase Risk of Breast Cancer?

Eating bread and potatoes can increase the risk of developing breast cancer. As stated by scientists in a recent study conducted by the University of California, San Diego.

A study found that people who follow a diet rich in starch (starch) are more at risk for developing tumors than those who rarely consumed starch. The researchers have not been able to explain this trend. However, they assume that the increased levels of insulin-induced 'refined carbohydrates' such as starch that can stimulate cancer cell growth.

Researchers studied the diets of 2651 breast cancer patients for 12 months. They found that people who frequently eat starch has a 14.2 percent risk of breast cancer. This risk level is higher than that rarely consume starch, which is about 9.7 percent.

"The results show that not only carbohydrates as a whole (which could potentially increase the risk of cancer), but mainly starch," says University of California researchers, Jennifer Emond. Studies have not been able to provide recommendations for a good diet to prevent this cancer.

At first, women's intake of carbohydrates is 233 grams per day. Researchers looked at diet in women who experienced disease recurrence following year. Women whose disease relapses were generally increase intake of starches as much as 2.3 grams per day in the first year. Meanwhile, patients who did not experience a relapse generally reduce the intake of starch 2.7 grams per day.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK. This disease affects about 46,000 women every year. Carbohydrates are the most important fuel for the muscles and vital energy source for brain and central nervous system. Refined carbohydrates like bread contain more starch than from grains (like rice).

Breast Cancer Campaign chief executive, Baroness Delyth Morgan, appreciate these findings. "This study shows that reducing starch consumption may reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence. We are waiting for further research on this issue," he said.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sitting All Day Body Make You Fat Bottom

This is ominous news for office workers who used to sit all the time while working. Scientists have revealed that sitting for long periods of time really gives a chance the back and lower body becomes larger.

The study surprisingly found that the pressure imposed on the body area that used to sit or lie down to produce up to 50 percent more fat in the parts that terisolasi.Apalagi kuarng combined with a healthy diet and less body motion.

This study describes for the first time describe bahhkan them with a healthy diet and exercise habits will be affected if they spend a long time to sit behind a desk.
The researchers found that preadipocyte cells - the precursors to fat cells - and turn into fat cells produce more fat even when 'quiet' on a prolonged period - when the tissue weight ditumpukan on our bodies when we sit or lie down.

By studying the MRI images of the muscle tissue of patients paralyzed by spinal cord injury, from time to time, rows of fat cells to attack the major muscles in the body.
In laboratory tests, serangkatan preadipocytes stimulated with glucose or insulin to convert it into fat cells. They were then placed in individual cells in cell stretching device, attach them to a flexible substrate and elastic. Dibentang cell test group consistently for long periods of time, which represents an extension of time sitting or lying down, while the control group of cells did not.

The researchers noted the development of liquid droplets in the second test group. The result, when the cells reach maturity, the group receiving mechanical stretch has developed 50 percent more fat than the control group.

Professor Amit Gefen, from Tel Aviv University, mengatakandari study concluded obesity is more than just an imbalance of calories. "The cell itself is also responsive to their mechanical environment. Fat cells produce more triglycerides [main form of fat stored in the body], and .. at a faster rate, when exposed to static stretching," he said.
Thus said Professor Gefen, if you want to weight the body balanced, not just a calorie intake is concerned, but also the body should move. This research has been published in the American Journal of Physiology.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Thousand Benefits of Guava, From Flu Antidotes to Prevent Cancer

Guava is not as expensive as popular as oranges or apples. If you think is the best oranges for vitamin C, you need to try guava.

One guava has 165 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C. Meanwhile, one orange contains only 69 mg alone. The content of vitamin C in guava is effective in treating male infertility.

Under the skin is green, guava has many benefits on offer. The guava fruit a day is useful to reduce the risk of diseases ranging from common cold, swollen gums, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes to cancer.

Guava has a fiber-rich foods consumed, so good for those who suffer from constipation. For those who are trying to lose weight, the high fiber content of guava is also very useful.

The fruit is rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals. If used as part of the daily diet, research suggests guava is very effective in preventing cancer and heart disease. Fruit that has a Latin name Psidium guajava helps the body fight the free radicals produced during metabolism.

The researchers working for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have found that guava may be among the fruits richest in antioxidants. This delicious fruit also has beta carotene, potassium and soluble fiber.

Guava can improve heart health by controlling blood pressure and cholesterol. Guava ability to lower blood pressure due to the potassium content. Potassium is an electrolyte essential to electrical reaction in the body including the heart.

The fruit is also known to heal wounds and treat external bleeding nose and gums. Fruit that live in tropical areas can also prevent diseases 'parents' as senile and cataracts. The existence of complex carbohydrates and high fiber content can be useful for lowering cholesterol and blood sugar.

Eat one for breakfast guava provide a much-needed daily dose such as iron, folic acid, calcium, fiber, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins A, B and lots of vitamin C. Total fat content of guava about 0.9 grams or 84 calories. Compared to apples, this fruit has 38 percent fat and 42 percent fewer calories.

Thousand Benefits of Guava, From Flu Antidotes to Prevent Cancer

Guava is not as expensive as popular as oranges or apples. If you think is the best oranges for vitamin C, you need to try guava.

One guava has 165 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C. Meanwhile, one orange contains only 69 mg alone. The content of vitamin C in guava is effective in treating male infertility.

Under the skin is green, guava has many benefits on offer. The guava fruit a day is useful to reduce the risk of diseases ranging from common cold, swollen gums, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes to cancer.

Guava has a fiber-rich foods consumed, so good for those who suffer from constipation. For those who are trying to lose weight, the high fiber content of guava is also very useful.

The fruit is rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals. If used as part of the daily diet, research suggests guava is very effective in preventing cancer and heart disease. Fruit that has a Latin name Psidium guajava helps the body fight the free radicals produced during metabolism.

The researchers working for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have found that guava may be among the fruits richest in antioxidants. This delicious fruit also has beta carotene, potassium and soluble fiber.

Guava can improve heart health by controlling blood pressure and cholesterol. Guava ability to lower blood pressure due to the potassium content. Potassium is an electrolyte essential to electrical reaction in the body including the heart.

The fruit is also known to heal wounds and treat external bleeding nose and gums. Fruit that live in tropical areas can also prevent diseases 'parents' as senile and cataracts. The existence of complex carbohydrates and high fiber content can be useful for lowering cholesterol and blood sugar.

Eat one for breakfast guava provide a much-needed daily dose such as iron, folic acid, calcium, fiber, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins A, B and lots of vitamin C. Total fat content of guava about 0.9 grams or 84 calories. Compared to apples, this fruit has 38 percent fat and 42 percent fewer calories.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Healing Power of Self

Every human being has the power to heal itself from various diseases, including malignant as cancer. But not all people realize that potential.

For that a therapist named Darmawan B. Sulaeman applying a method of healing by stimulating a person's self-healing.

"I prefer to call this method as the empowerment of every person. I guide them to activate the liver [feeling] so it can heal themselves. Their hearts will then be pushed all the functions in the body so that there is cure all diseases," said Darmawan to Yahoo! Indonesia .

According Darmawan, the method is called self-healing can take place very precise. Instead of monthly or daily, but only in a matter of hours. Darmawan also experienced cure cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes as well.

"Usually the process of healing a week, two weeks for severe disease. And all without drugs."

According Darmawan, the method used is more directed at the suggestion in the subconscious, so that patients are aware of its own strength. "Not only a physical disease, a hereditary disease can be cured. 'Self healing' allows one to change the structure of DNA. For example diabetes derivatives, very probably is eliminated," said Darmawan again.