Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dangers Lurk Aging in the Workplace

Despite the busy work, not to forget to pay attention to skin health. Why, there are many causes of premature aging of skin that appears because of your work.
Almost half of our time in a day spent at work. Too busy at work, it often makes us forget to pay attention to ourselves. Do not regret later. Consider these things to reduce the risk of premature aging of the skin that are caused in the workplace.

Lack of drinking
This is the most common problems of working women. Reason for this variety: from forgotten, until being lazy often to the toilet if it is too much to drink. Skin requires a water intake to maintain moisture levels. Wrinkles and skin damage more easily appear on a dry skin. Make sure you drink 6-8 glasses of water a day to maintain healthy skin.

Cooling air
Offices are equipped with air conditioning is made comfortable in the work. But be careful, the air from the cooler or air conditioner (AC) can make your skin dry. Do not forget to apply a body lotion on the hands and feet before it was dry. Dry skin can lead to damage such as cracking, irritation, or itching. Before applying makeup, use a facial moisturizer to protect skin from dryness. This is trivial but it can save you from wrinkles early. If possible, apply a facial moisturizer again after the lunch break.

On the way to work you would most probably exposed to sunlight. Likewise if your desk is located near the window. Exposure to ultra violet rays that enter through the window can easily make your skin wrinkled and black stain if not protected properly. Make sure your facial moisturizer contains a minimum SPF 30 to protect skin during working hours.

This is a cause of skin damage is often not realized. Work continuously without pause or too worried about the job can also harm the skin. When you're stressed, the hormone cortisol in the body produced more. These conditions can damage the collagen content and encourage increased oil production in the body so that the risk of acne and accelerate the aging process.
Try looking for a break or taking a break in between jobs. Take 10 minutes to get away from the desk and your work. Find a quiet place if possible, take a deep breath, enjoy hot tea, and relax. Calm your mind and do activities that make the body relax for a moment. Do not underestimate the power of stress that can lead to various diseases in the body as well as premature aging. Aromatherapy fragrances such as lavender or chamomile can also help relax the nerves and reduce stress in the body.

Many experts still argue about the effects of radiation on the skin of a computer screen. However, the effects of the computer not just radiation. The screen is too bright or too dark and small letters that can make you frequent squinting. If this condition is too often done permanent wrinkles can be formed on the eye area. Do not be lazy to adjust the bright computer screen. Enlarge font on a computer or a document you are reading.
For eye health, at least 20 minutes once palingkan your face for a moment from the computer screen to rest my eyes. If it feels too dry eyes, use eye drops to prevent irritation.

Many women work need to use makeup to enhance appearance. Could not hurt. But do not underestimate the signs do not match your skin with make-up is used. Irritation, redness, itching, or acne are early signs of your skin does not match the make-up is used. Identify which products are suitable or not for the skin and do not push products that can cause irritation.
Well, most importantly, do not be lazy to remove makeup before going to bed because this is the most dangerous. Make-up is too long attached to the face can clog pores. Especially when you sleep, the pressure on the pillow can make make-up getting in and clogging the pores. As a result, rapid skin damage and irritation. Pimples, blackheads, and other skin disorders can be easily sprung up because the skin is dirty.

Lack of sleep
The work is solid and that no overtime hours would often make us sacrifice sleep time. Ideally, we sleep 7-8 hours a day to restore freshness and maintain healthy skin. Sleep deprivation resulted in reduced skin time to repair themselves so they can accelerate the risk of premature aging. Not only bad for the skin, but also for overall body health.

Eating Indiscriminate
Busy with deadlines and tasks that accumulate often makes us forget about good nutrition. Practical foods like junk food or foods that are too fatty certainly result in less good for the body's metabolism. Try to always eat vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and anti oxidants are good for the body. Reduce fatty foods and high sugar. High sugar content in the blood can damage the collagen needed for skin elasticity.

Cigarette smoke
Generally, smokers know the ill effects of smoking on health and skin. But as a passive smoker, you also need to be careful. If you work in an environment that easily exposed to smoke, you should avoid these places as much as possible. Cigarette smoke has a wide range of content that can damage the skin and even hair follicles. Easily dull face, wrinkles, and hair thinning.

At lunchtime, try not to sit close to people who smoke. You can still get the bad effects of cigarette smoke. Protect yourself as much as possible.

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